August 2013

Johannesburg - One of the top items on the agenda at this year's Mining Lekgotla, which concluded on Thursday, was a call to mining stakeholders to promote peace and stability in the sector. This was strongly advocated by both government and industry leaders. At the conference, Finance...

South Africa cannot afford another strike scenario in the mining industry and stakeholders involved inwage disputes must take caution. This is according to Chris Jacobs, director, Operational Improvement Management (OIM). He says that the mining sector has been fraught with conflict, violence and work stoppages over the last year, and stakeholders must take caution to not...

02 August 2013: South Africa’s labour relations is at a defining moment in our country’s history. Over the past few years, unprotected strike action has escalated into an uncontrolled, violent and unlawful landscape, led by a mob mentality in the absence of formal and recognised...