
Johannesburg - One of the top items on the agenda at this year's Mining Lekgotla, which concluded on Thursday, was a call to mining stakeholders to promote peace and stability in the sector. This was strongly advocated by both government and industry leaders. At the conference, Finance...

South Africa cannot afford another strike scenario in the mining industry and stakeholders involved inwage disputes must take caution. This is according to Chris Jacobs, director, Operational Improvement Management (OIM). He says that the mining sector has been fraught with conflict, violence and work stoppages over the last year, and stakeholders must take caution to not...

STRATEGIES to resolve SA's mining industry issues will need to include drastic moves towards a settled labour force and a proactive dismantling of the migrant labour system. “The effects of migrant labour are eroding the ability of mines to forge sustainable, skilled and contented communities around...

Pretoria. – 'n Klagte van bedrog staar 'n subkontrakteur by Eskom se beleërde Medupi-bouperseel in die gesig weens foutiewe sweiswerk wat deels gelei het tot 'n vertraging van maande lank. Volgens Natasha Michael, DA-woordvoerder oor openbare ondernemings, is parlementslede verlede week hieroor ingelig tydens 'n besoek...

Werkgewers sit vinniger voet neer in die huidige loononderhandelinge omdat hulle produksieverliese probeer beperk, want die onrealistiese eise van vakbonde maak stakings so te sê onafwendbaar, berig Antoinette Slabbert, Rapport. Só sê Chris Jacobs, direkteur van die konsultasiefirma OIM International. Die Kamer van Mynwese het onlangs 'n...

There's been swift reaction to the parliamentary portfolio committee on labour's decision to restrict employment of labour brokers to three months. Umkhonto Labour Holdings managing director Debbie Lieberthal said the government had “successfully destroyed” the countr as this would hamper people getting work. Cosatu spokesperson Patrick Craven...

An urgent collective response from all stakeholders is needed to deal with investor confidence that has been negatively affected by labour tensions, particularly in the mining sector. Business improvement consultancy OIM conflict resolution expert Chris Jacobs says that, over the past few years, unprotected strikes have become uncontrolled,...

THE Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) would take two to three weeks to get a mandate from its members on signing the peace framework in the mining industry, Amcu treasurer Jimmy Gama said yesterday. The pact, which aims to end violence and illegal strikes...

South Africa's labour relations is at a defining moment in our country's history. Over the past few years, unprotected strike action has escalated into an uncontrolled, violent and unlawful landscape, led by a mob mentality in the absence of formal and recognised leaders. This is the...

South Africa's labour relations is at a defining moment in our country's history. Over the past few years, unprotected strike action has escalated into an uncontrolled, violent and unlawful landscape, led by a mob mentality in the absence of formal and recognised leaders. This is the...

Daar is 'n gesegde dat goeie maniere deure kan oopmaak wat selfs die beste opleiding nie kan nie. Jonger werknemers wat etiket in die werkplek vroeg bemeester en 'n professionele beeld uitstraal, trek die aandag en word deur hul seniors raakgesien, sê Nicole Williams, direkteur van...